With dual incomes, no kids, and ample free time (and money), DINKs are back – this time flaunting their carefree lifestyle on social media. So who are DINKs and how can brands harness their spending power? 

Forty years on since the ‘Year of the Yuppie 1,’ or ‘young urban professional,’ 2024 is seeing the resurgence of the DINK. First coined in 1987, the acronym relates to households with dual income, no kids and a larger-than-average disposable income to spend on whatever they like – from travel to expensive meals to designer clothes and high-end furniture. A marketer’s dream, right? 

Time for some jargon-busting: DINK is just one of many acronyms to describe the financial status of different demographics. From Yuppie (young urban professional) to WOOF (well-off older folk), many of these terms are stale 80s throwbacks, but not the DINK. Social media has seen a boom of DINKs showcasing their enviable lifestyles, particularly on Instagram and TikTok. With popular hashtags #Dinks, #DinkCouples and #ChildFreeByChoice among many more, we take a look at how DINKs spend their time and extra cash. 


What’s a DINK and why are they back? 

There’s no specific age group attached to the DINK demographic, but it’s a fair assumption to say they mostly fit into the older Gen Z or Millennial bracket. DINKs appear to be living the dream with their dual income with no offspring to spend their hard-earned money on. But they’re not alone in this lifestyle choice – there’s a whole spectrum, from the SINKs (single income, no kids) to the SINKY/DINKY crew (no kids yet, but plan to, so are saving for), and even the DINKWADs (dual income with a dog).  

The DINK lifestyle is all about couples consciously deciding not to have kids, whether it’s for personal preferences, environmental reasons, economic constraints, lifestyle goals, or just not feeling the parental pull 2. The UK birth rate is on the decline with live births in 2022 the lowest for 20 years 3 and more women choosing to have children later in life. With childcare expenses at an all-time high 4, housing costs bordering on prohibitive for many 18-35s 5, and higher education leading to astronomical debts 6, it’s no wonder DINKs are on the rise. Many couples feel they simply can’t afford to have children – so why not embrace the perks that a child-free lifestyle can bring? With #ChildFree racking up over 350,000 posts on Instagram and #ChildFreeByChoice generating millions of views on TikTok, social media is buzzing with these conversations, giving DINKs a space to share their stories and find their tribe.  

However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Dropping the ‘Y’ from DINKY and going child-free is one thing, but actively celebrating and promoting it as a lifestyle choice comes with stigma. Critics love to dish out judgment, thinking DINKs are selfish or missing out on the joy of bringing kids into the world. But those in the know are trying to change that narrative, pushing for understanding and acceptance. Take the Insta community @wearechildfree_ for example, whose members are dubbed ‘the voice of the childfree movement.’ They rejoice in their childfree status with new stories every week, providing positive affirmations and celebrating the perks of #DinkLife. Their words, ‘having children isn’t the only thing that defines us,’ strike true, and it’s worth remembering that for some people, there’s more to life than wiping snotty noses and attending kids’ birthday parties. 

While parents are shelling out for everyday items such as nappies or playmats to the longer-term expenses like driving lessons and university fees, DINKs are stacking cash. Studies show child-free couples could have upwards of £1,000 extra in their pockets each month compared to couples with children 7. With all that spare change, they’re living the good life – from fancy dinners to spontaneous getaways, the world’s their oyster. 


What makes DINKs tick? 

If you watch any of the #DINKcouple lifestyle videos on TikTok, or check out one of the 173,000 #Dink posts on Insta, you’ll see beautiful beaches, gorgeous clothes and happy faces. But being a DINK is more than just surface-level materialism. As DINKs have been sharing online, there is a more profound sense of self-satisfaction that comes with being financially stable and happy in your own skin. 

Financial freedom: With two incomes and no children to support, DINKs can end up with more cash to splash and greater financial flexibility. This means they can treat themselves to luxuries, stash away savings, or enjoy exciting experiences without worrying about childcare costs eating into their budget. 

Free time: Unlike parents who are constantly juggling childcare duties and household chores, DINKs have plenty of spare time on their hands. Whether it’s picking up new hobbies, jetting off on spontaneous trips, or just kicking back and relaxing, this extra freedom equals adventure. 

Career development: Without the hefty pressures of parenthood weighing them down, DINKs can go full throttle on their career paths. They’re free to chase after big dreams, tackle challenging projects, and explore fresh opportunities without any strings attached. This professional autonomy can lead to a deep sense of satisfaction and self-fulfilment. 

Personal growth: With extra money in their pockets, DINKs have the luxury of investing in themselves. Whether it’s pursuing further education, honing new skills, or diving headfirst into their passions, they can nurture their personal growth and development in ways that might make your SITCOM (single income, two children, oppressive mortgage) friends green with envy. 


Not-so Dinky disposable income 

So what are DINKS spending their not-so dinky disposable income on? From exotic beach holidays to wellbeing retreats, spiritual treks and life-affirming experiences, it seems many DINKs are spending their extra income on travel and self-fulfilment 8. It’s no surprise that DINKs are turning to their own wellbeing – since the pandemic, most adults have taken some time to reflect on their priorities. Watching the virus take hold around the world and being forced into lock down naturally led to a general sense of introspection. A ‘seize the day’ mentality took hold, manifesting as a mixture of quick fixes like M&S groceries and ‘bucket list’ buys like 5* trips to Mauritius. 

We trawled through TikTok and Instagram to find travel as a common theme in DINK hashtagged posts. In one TikTok video by US-based John Eringman (@johnefinance), viewed over 3M times, he and his partner showcase their freedoms, claiming, ‘we can go to Florida on a whim and are already planning our European vacation next year.’ He also referred to being able to attend weekend workout classes and enjoying ‘snobby hobbies like skiing and golfing.’  

In another TikTok video, this time by Kate (@engelthang) and amassing 11.8M views, she and her partner show off their Costco trolley packed full of decadent goodies as a symbol of their luxurious child-free lifestyle.  

Closer to home, in Weston-Super-Mare, twenty-something newlyweds Hannah Bird and Charlie Camper are self-confessed DINKs and admit to going on holiday 10 times a year – they’ve visited 34 countries together. 9 While their DINK status was largely determined by health constraints, they are fulfilled by their DINK lifestyle, with Hannah remarking: ‘People say if you don’t have a child you’re not fulfilling your life. I’m pretty happy sat on a beach.’ 


Slam-DINK campaigns 

It seems many brands have DINKs in mind at the moment. We’ve cut through the noise and found three shiny new ad campaigns sure to tempt DINKs to spend their hard-earned cash.  


Picture this: 35 people cruising through the water on electric surfboards, doing everyday things like grabbing groceries or sipping coffee. Avios, the reward currency of British Airways Executive Club, bring us this epic short ad titled ‘Everyday’ with the ultimate DINK-friendly tagline: ‘With Avios, your everyday can pay for your holiday.’ By joining the British Airways Executive Club, DINKs can save money to spend on their next dream getaway. This child-free ad could have DINK appeal because it’s goal-oriented and aspirational, and the reward scheme is perfectly aligned with their lifestyle – and they won’t have to lift a finger. 



Imagine DINKs jetting off on their dream holiday with friends and having to get separate hotel rooms or share hotel facilities with DIKs (dual income, kids). Holiday home rental brand Airbnb has played a blinder with the most recent ad from their marketing playbook ‘Get an Airbnb.’  Each animated ad features a group of holidaymakers who arrive at their hotel to find it doesn’t suit their needs. The hotel then flips to transform into a gorgeous Airbnb with private pool and communal areas, showcasing the benefits of having the whole place to yourself. By booking an Airbnb, and selecting the ‘entire home’ option, DINKS can enjoy the kind of peace and quiet they can’t guarantee at a hotel. 


For DINKS, it’s all about the experience. Single malt whisky brand Ardbeg is due to host a unique circus-themed immersive event on London’s Brick Lane where guests can mark Ardbeg Day – their global brand celebration day. Guests are invited to celebrate the brand’s latest limited-edition release, Ardbeg Spectacular, alongside acrobats, circus-themed performances and resident DJs in the specially decked-out Café 1001 venue. The event is sure to appeal to experience-seeking DINKS and will surely generate fun and colourful photos to share on social media with the hashtag #DinkLife. 


How to market to DINKs 

Brands looking to tap into the lucrative DINK market must effectively capture their attention and loyalty by understanding their lifestyle and aspirations. We’ve rounded up five key factors when crafting your marketing strategies: 

Lifestyle: DINKs have a lifestyle that’s all their own. They prioritise experiences over material possessions, relishing in the freedom to pursue adventures and indulge in luxuries. Tailor your marketing efforts to showcase how your products or services can enhance their lifestyle and offer them convenience, excitement and fulfilment. 

Finances: Unlike families with children, DINKs often have different financial goals. They may be focused on saving for retirement, investing in property, or simply enjoying the finer things in life. Highlight how your product can help them achieve their financial aspirations and secure their future. 

Freedom: One of the biggest perks of being a DINK couple is the flexibility and freedom it affords. Whether it’s jetting off on a spontaneous getaway or climbing up the career ladder, DINKs value opportunities that allow them to make the most of their dual incomes and independence. Craft your marketing messages to appeal to their desire for spontaneity and self-expression. 

Luxury: With fewer financial ties, DINKs are often willing to invest in premium products and services that enhance their lifestyle. If you can prove your product is high quality, designed to last, with an element of exclusivity about it, then you’re sure to hit the DINK jackpot. 


DINKS are here to stay 

While not everyone understands their choices (really, it’s none of our business), there’s no denying that DINKs are making a comeback, and if their social media presence is anything to go by, they’re here to stay. The rising cost-of-living coupled with declining birthrates means that the number of DINKs is projected to grow even further over the coming years, promising a marketing boom in this area. Brands would be foolish not to tap into the lucrative DINK market – by positioning your brand as lifestyle-enhancing, you’re sure to capture their attention, their loyalty and ultimately, their money. 


  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2019/11/19/how-s-biggest-yuppie-became-white-working-classs-president/
  2. https://www.forbes.com/sites/traversmark/2023/12/03/2-key-tips-to-own-the-childless-by-choice-trend-by-a-psychologist/?sh=30c23dbb1db1
  3. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/feb/23/birthrate-in-uk-falls-to-record-low-as-campaigners-say-procreation-is-a-luxury#:~:text=In%20total%2C%20there%20were%20605%2C479,recent%20years%2C%20including%20central%20London
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2022/jun/13/uk-childcare-costs-soar-by-more-than-2000-in-a-decade-tuc-says
  5. https://www.ons.gov.uk/economy/inflationandpriceindices/articles/costoflivinginsights/housing
  6. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68534953
  7. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/money-mentor/income-budgeting/family-finance/starting-family-baby-costs#:~:text=So%20how%20much%20does%20it,or%20%C2%A31%2C030%20a%20month
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/mar/13/dual-income-no-kids-free-time-dinks-social-media#:~:text=A%20survey%20by%20the%20research,t%20break%20off%20to%20procreate%3F
  9. https://www.thewestonmercury.co.uk/news/24133975.weston-dinks-spend-money/