So Matt, let’s chat work. What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?

If something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing badly. Although this sounds terrible at first, it really makes sense when you think about it. Trying and getting it wrong is much better than not trying at all. If you’re struggling with the ‘correct’ way to do something, try it your own way, and then come back and make it better later. It’s always easier to improve something than start from scratch – plus, you learn in the process.

What’s the best way to get on your good side at work?

Go for a coffee shop run with me. I like to pop around the corner to Bottega Milanese on the other side of Park Square.

Got it. What are you ordering?

It has to be the Milano Hot Chocolate, the best hot chocolate ever. It’s half the size of a normal hot chocolate, but don’t be fooled. It’s twice as thick – so thick you can stand a metal spoon upright in it. It’s basically drinkable chocolate mousse.

There’s no denying you’re an SEO whizz, but if you weren’t working in content and digital, where would you be?

I think I’d be doing a job with my hands – something physically useful like welding or bricklaying. I really like being able to build and fix things around the house. I’ll DIY anything except the electrics. However, I’ve grown to love my office chair and spreadsheets way too much to give them up.

Back to your current role –  if you could work from anywhere, where would it be?

Seychelles. I’ve always wanted to go. It looks super relaxed. Who doesn’t fancy spending their lunch break on the beach? There’s a little island off the mainland that you can take a boat to alone. It’s only one mile long and is one of the only places in the world with Giant Tortoises walking around, and you can pull leaves off the bushes to feed them. I’d love to do that.

Now for the silly stuff. What’s your Death Row meal?

Easy, all my favourites:

Starter: Authentic Italian Bruschetta

Main: Chicken Balti with pilau rice and garlic naan

Dessert: A bucket-sized crème brûlée. Restaurant ones are too small.

Tasty choices – although a bit unconventional as a combination. If you could choose the soundtrack to your life, what would be on it?

Big and Chunky by from the Madagascar 2 soundtrack has to be up there. The rest would probably be the soundtrack from Shrek 2.

Who would play you in your biopic?

I think it would be Michael Cera, but he’d need to get slightly chubbier. He’d convey the right kind of vibe. Not everyone can be walking around like Brad Pitt. Someone has to be the Michael Cera of the SEO world.

You’re known around the office for always having a tale to tell, but what’s your best dinner party story?

I’d probably say the time I went climbing in the Alps with three friends. The cable cars to get down the mountain stopped at 6 pm, and if you missed the last one, you had to walk eight hours to get to the bottom. When we got halfway to the top, we looked at our phones and realised it was 4:30 pm – we wouldn’t make it in time. Our solution was to abseil down the mountain one at a time, clipping ourselves on with just a half-inch thick piece of fabric. We each had to abseil six times, with just an hour to go until dark. It’s probably the closest I’ve ever come to dying.

Last but definitely not least, what are three things you couldn’t live without?

Number 1: My fiancé, Isla. She organises her own social life and mine – I’m eternally grateful.

Number 2: My cat, Flora. She’s like my child. We have cuddles every morning and she prefers me over Isla.

Number 3: Cooking. I love to cook any time of the day or night. I don’t even book hotels or Airbnbs without cooking facilities.


Great to get to know you better, Matt. Shout up when you’re doing your next Bottega Milanese run!

Keep an eye out for our next instalment of Getting to Know GOLD, where we’ll put the spotlight on a new member of the GOLD79 squad.