Behind every successful AI-driven strategy are skilled marketers, using their experience and human insights to steer these tools in the right direction. Without their expertise and strategic vision, AI would be just another piece of software, lacking the spark that makes it truly impactful.

In this blog, we’ll look at how AI can be expertly used as a tool in B2B marketing while also addressing some common pitfalls to watch out for.


With B2B marketing budgets tightening – down to 7.7% of overall company revenue from 9.1% last year (1) – marketers are feeling the squeeze. As companies cut back, digital channels are increasingly dominating paid media spend, with 57.1% of marketing budgets going towards paid media in 2024, up from 54.9% last year. Digital channels provide precisely targeted reach, ensuring that messages are seen and heard by the right people.  

Although only 36% of B2B companies are currently using AI, optimism is high, with 58% of US B2B marketers expect to adopt AI more fully in the coming year (2). Of the marketers who are already putting the technology to work, nearly half (47%) say it helps them work smarter, not harder (3) 

What does this mean for traditional B2B marketing? B2B marketing continues to centre around building relationships with a smaller number of clients.  But with AI-enhancing data analysis and customer insights at their disposal, marketers can now shift their focus to the creative and human elements of their strategies – tools like podcasts, webinars, and networking events. 


So, how is AI being used in B2B marketing, and how could it transform the future of B2B advertising and comms? 


6 Ways AI is Supporting B2B Marketers

1. Lead Generation

Gone are the days when lead scoring meant hours of manually sorting through data. Now, AI algorithms can help identify which leads are worth pursuing and which ones are best left alone. AI keeps an eye on behavioural patterns and analyses vast datasets, so businesses can focus on the leads most likely to convert, making the job of the sales team much easier.

2. Personalisation at scale

Personalisation at scale might sound like a contradiction, but it’s becoming essential in modern B2B marketing. Marketers are turning to AI, not just to get more done (76% say it boosts productivity) but also to connect better with customers (52% love how it enhances engagement) (4). With the latest AI technology, tailoring content to each person’s preferences and behaviour is easier than ever.  

We’re already accustomed to receiving email updates based on our recent interactions with consumer brands and seeing search engine ads tailored to our recent searches. AI makes this kind of personalisation possible for B2B brands too, transforming how we engage with customers.

3. Marketing automation

Marketing automation used to involve sending simple email blasts, but now, thanks to AI and spurred on by human insight and strategic vision, brands can automate entire campaigns across email, social media, and websites. Another growing trend in B2B marketing is programmatic advertising, which is a way of marketers using software to automatically buy digital ads, instead of doing it manually. This means the process of choosing where and when ads appear happens in real time, often through online auctions, which makes ad-buying faster and more efficient, and often more cost-effective. In fact, AI-driven digital ads are expected to make up nearly 50% of all B2B ad spending this year, according to Campaign and StackAdapt (5). By taking over more analytical tasks, AI is freeing up marketers to focus on what they do best – creativity. In the UK, for instance, over three-quarters (77%) of B2B marketing leaders are getting bolder with their creative strategies, with 69% seeing better engagement and conversions as a result (6) 

4. Content creation and curation

If used intelligently, AI-powered tools can streamline B2B content creation like whitepapers and reports, allowing human marketers to focus on refining the content, maintaining brand consistency, and ensuring quality. According to research by LinkedIn, 39% of B2B marketers are embracing generative AI to accelerate content creation (7). While AI can help in this area, human oversight is still hugely important to keep the content aligned with a brand’s voice and strategy.  

Visual content is another element of creative that AI can help with, even in B2B marketing, with over 50% of marketers saying videos and infographics are their top-performing content (8).  Tools like Canva’s AI design feature and Adobe Sensei are widely used to automate the design process, enabling businesses to quickly generate custom graphics such as infographics, charts, and banners that resonate with their target audience. AI also helps personalise visuals, with tools like Phrasee creating tailored designs and messages for specific clients or industries. 

AI can also improve the performance of images and videos across platforms. Lumen5, for example, uses AI to turn text-based content into engaging video presentations optimised for different social media formats. There’s also trend and competitor analysis tools like DesignScape, and A/B testing platforms like Unbounce, which marketers can use to test and fine-tune designs based on real-time feedback. However, as with all AI-generated content creation, it must be evaluated, edited, and managed by skilled marketers and designers. And, despite marketers’ best efforts, over-use or misguided use of AI-generated content can backfire, with B2B brands losing credibility – and clients.  

5.  Ad targeting and optimisation

AI tools can also help brands to figure out what works best for different client segments by offering supercharged A/B testing options, helping marketers to tailor their messaging to hit the mark every time. With customers being 70% more likely to convert after seeing an ad from a retargeting campaign (9), it means AI-boosted programmatic advertising can make it easier and quicker than ever to reconnect with potential customers who’ve already shown interest in a brand. 

6.  Sales forecasting

Forecasting sales used to be more art than science. Now, AI can provide accurate revenue predictions based on historical data and market conditions. In fact, it’s considered so reliable that one in four B2B organisations in the US using AI-based technologies in their e-commerce operations (10). 

AI-fuelled predictive analytics can spot potential leads before they even show interest, while sentiment analysis offers real-time insights into customer feedback. AI-driven dashboards also allow brands to monitor campaigns 24/7, and AI can even spot clients at risk of churning and help brands take proactive steps to retain them. 

AI pitfalls 

Let’s not pretend that using AI tools in B2B marketing is all sunshine and rainbows. Data privacy is still a big concern – businesses must ensure that their use of AI complies with all relevant regulations and respects customer privacy. On the staffing front, AI implementation requires either in-depth training of in-house staff, or outsourced expertise – both of which incur costs. In terms of expenditure, most AI marketing tools are pricey, for example A/B testing tool Unbounce charges upwards of $649 per month for its most comprehensive package. While the outlay may be worth it in the long run, it can be hard for smaller businesses to justify the initial spend. 

It’s not just the set-up period that requires a significant investment of time and money either. The ongoing management of AI systems requires expertise that not all businesses have.  

There’s also the risk of over-relying on AI, where the human touch in customer interactions could be lost. Most people agree that AI shouldn’t replace human involvement entirely – personal connection still matters. In a Forbes survey, 79% of respondents believe humans will always have a role in customer service, including 70% of Gen Z (11). 

Finally, there are still ethical question marks about using AI. While 43% of organisations are setting up responsible use guidelines (12), there’s still a long way to go. Brands must weed out biases in algorithms and secure themselves against data privacy issues if they are to use AI responsibly and avoid criticism.  

What’s next for AI in B2B marketing? 

With 68% of large companies and 33% of medium-sized companies embracing at least one AI technology so far (13), we’re at the beginning of a marketing revolution where AI helps marketers work smarter, spend more wisely, and innovate faster. But while the future of AI in B2B marketing is looking exciting, we must strike a balance between the use of tech and valuing the skills and expertise of marketers. By combining AI’s power with human creativity and judgment, B2B brands can really unlock new possibilities as we prepare to enter 2025. 

At GOLD79, we’re here to help businesses grow by blending the latest technology with the all-important personal, human touch. We believe in using AI responsibly to enhance, not replace, the way we connect with customers. If you’re interested in how we can boost your corporate communications and content strategy, reach out to our Director of Corporate and International, James Harris, who would be happy to chat about how GOLD79 can support your brand. 



(1) Gartner, cited in: 

(2) Statista:  

(3)  Iterable  

(4) Demand Spring’s 2024 Benchmark Study: AI in B2B Marketing 

(5) Campaign X StackAdapt’s ‘Programmatic Advertising Tactics for B2B Marketing’ report

(6) LinkedIn:  

(7) LinkedIn: 

(8) Demand Spring’s 2024 Benchmark Study: AI in B2B Marketing: 

(9) Wordstream, featured in Campaign X StackAdapt’s ‘Programmatic Advertising Tactics for B2B Marketing’ report 

(10) Statista:  

(11) Forbes:–human-touch-the-winning-combination-for-exceptional-customer-service/  

(12) Demand Spring 2024 Benchmark Study: AI in B2B Marketing: 

(13) Forbes: