Key takeaways:

    • Net zero is a scientifically informed greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal. 
    • Now is the perfect time for businesses like GOLD79 to pursue net zero – it aligns with our business values as well as shifting consumer priorities and regulations. 
    • We partnered with Flotilla because their process, framework and technology are world-class. 
    • Our Year 1 Carbon Report arms us with a clear understanding of our emissions reduction efforts so far, and what’s next on the agenda. 
    • The GOLD79 team is with us every step of the way – 80% of G79ers are willing to support the company in reducing emissions, according to our first employee survey. 

The GOLD79 team are no strangers to environmental projects and campaigns. We’ve helped countless clients to communicate the climate action they’re taking – it’s about time we gave our own the spotlight.  

Let’s uncover what the GOLD net zero journey has looked like so far, what it means for our clients and team, and our plans for a greener future. 

What does net zero mean? 

Net zero emissions is a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible. It’s being pursued by entire nations and global multinational corporations, but that doesn’t mean smaller players can’t make a difference too. 

 To achieve net zero according to science-based targets, a business must: 

    • Measure emissions across their value chain 
    • Focus on deep, rapid emission cuts 
    • Remove remaining emissions from the atmosphere via carbon removal solutions 

Go green, win gold 

Embedding sustainability values within GOLD79’s culture and practices is a business win – for us and our clients. 

It’s never been more pertinent for companies in every industry to pursue net zero. Over recent years, environmental expectations of brands have risen exponentially: 

    • Values are shifting – 38% of consumers feel brands should be ‘eco-friendly’1. 47% of consumers have stopped buying products/services that have a negative impact on the environment and society2. 
    • Consumer protection and CMA scrutiny are increasing – Brands caught breaking regulations are subject to reputation-damaging public shaming and harsh penalties of up to 10% of global turnover3. 
    • Greenwashing is a hot topic on social media – ‘Greenwashing’ posts in shared spaces have a very high engagement rate of 6.14%, demonstrating the reputational risk of false or misleading ‘green’ claims. 
    • Consumers are becoming less trusting and more critical – More than 50% of consumers believe brands in all industries are misleading – the most suspicious industries are social media (60%), meat/meat products (58%), clothing and footwear (57%), and motor vehicles (57%)4. 

Brands can no longer get away with making vague pledges and unsubstantiated claims about their climate action and policies – they must live and breathe them.  

With consumers feeling misled and let down, the current climate represents an exciting opportunity for brands that are willing to do things right to stand out from the crowd, cancel the noise, and emerge as the GOLD standard for sustainability. 

“Pursuing a measurable and actionable net zero journey is essential for any responsible business. By taking action to reduce our impact, we help our stakeholders to reduce theirs too, securing our relationships for the future.” – Tamarind Wilson-Flint, Co-Founder of GOLD79 

Choosing our partner 

Net zero consultants are increasingly common, but rarely do you find one that combines human intellect with cutting-edge, intuitive technology quite as seamlessly as Flotilla does. 

 The Flotilla approach is comprehensive, guided, and measurable – putting understanding and responsibility into the hands of everyone in the business. 

 Flotilla’s carbon accounting platform is developed per the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, which sets the International Standard for Carbon Accounting, and the Government’s DEFRA Compound Reporting Depository. 

 When developing Net Zero forecasts, Flotilla aligns with the science-based targets set out in the Paris Agreement. 

“With Flotilla, our net zero plan is being put into action with purpose, breaking through any barriers together and at pace. The team’s expertise leaves us confident that we’re pursuing priority solutions and focusing our resources in the right place to make a real impact” – Tamarind Wilson, Co-Founder of GOLD79 

Digging deep to discover our impact 

 Every journey has a starting point – and this is ours.  

Our Year One Carbon Report 2023 represents our baseline emissions measurement, providing a reference point against which Flotilla is measuring our efforts and creating a strategic net zero plan for the long and short term. 


Understanding the report 

Our Year One report provides a detailed analysis of our historical operational carbon footprint between 2021 and 2023, annualised into a 12-month baseline.  

Here is a breakdown of our Year One carbon emissions. 

Carbon accounting report 

Putting it into practice

With our priorities clearly laid out via Flotilla’s intuitive reporting template, we got to work straight away to take action on our priority areas. 


Our biggest stride so far on our journey towards net zero is our London office move. Choosing a sustainability-focused co-working building that is already making its own green changes just made sense. Meanwhile, at our Leeds office, we’ve installed better waste management solutions and signage to ensure proper recycling is as easy as possible for everyone. 


The London office move has decreased our energy usage thanks to the new building’s shared facilities and part-time occupancy. We’ve also decreased the Leeds office’s impact with a renewable energy tariff. On a cultural level, we’re embedding greener attitudes to energy usage through a combination of conversations and signage. 

Professional fees 

Professional fees and sourcing contribute significantly to our scope 3 emissions – a common situation for many companies starting a net zero journey. Supplier audits are helping us to identify opportunities to switch to local and introduce environmentally friendly office products such as hand soap, toilet rolls and stationery supplies. 

Our net zero policy will be reviewed annually to adjust our approach to energy, water, procurement, cleaning and waste, transport and culture. 


One team to go green 

The most valuable asset on a company’s net zero journey is the people who fuel it. At GOLD79, we’re lucky to have a team full of highly motivated and engaged net zero heroes. 

According to our initial Flotilla employee survey: 

    • 88% of our G79ers acknowledge personal responsibility for reducing our climate impact at home and work 
    • 80% of G79ers are willing to support the company in reducing emissions 

“As ever, our experts are our biggest strength. The involvement and support of the whole team will be essential to embedding our net zero journey into our company culture, and therefore ensuring its success.” – Tamarind Wilson-Flint, GOLD79 Co-founder 

Mean what you say, say what you mean 

When it comes to climate action, our NOISE CANCELLING proposition has never been more apt. 

While many brands and companies have a lot to say about their climate commitments, not all are backed by real policy changes, real sustainability KPIs, and a real action plan. 

At GOLD79, we’ve set the following targets: 

    • Achieve Net Zero by 2030 
    • Reach 1.7 tCO2 emissions per full-time employee 

As a result, we’re not afraid to speak loudly and proudly about our net zero journey. This kicked off with our webinar, co-hosted with Flotilla: Confident Climate Comms: How to Avoid Greenhushing and Greenwashing in Sustainability Storytelling, where our experts joined forces to share their insights and experience with an audience of 90 professionals from across industries. 

For GOLD79, doing business the right way just makes sense. Pursuing net zero is perfectly underpinned by our values and principles – make it matter, make it last, make it shine. 

Useful resources 

Every net zero journey starts with education. Kickstart yours with the help of these useful trusted resources: